“An Immigrant Life”
What was the journey like to New Zealand? (How long did it take, what did they eat, what did they do, did some people die?)
They arrived in New Zealand in October the 9 1842.Also the people on the ship didn’t fresh food they only ate salty meat and biscuits with weevil inside them.Also only 17 children died.
What was life like for an immigrant to New Zealand?
The immigrant’s came to New Zealand they lived in huts made out of wood but no floor,also the would rely on the maori to do stuff for them cause the maori could catch and grow food unlike the maori.
Was life in New Zealand what people expected?
No it was not like what they expected
Where did the immigrants come from (what countries)?
The immigrants are scottish so they come scotland.
What kinds of things did new immigrants do to make money?
They worked at laundrys to get more money and they also bring food to give to people so they can also get money
What was the immigrants goal?
There goal was to by land near papakura because it was covered in native trees witch john and his eldest son richard use to build homes with trees.
How were immigrants treated by the native Maori people?
The immigrants were treated good but when it past from time to time the maori treated immigrants bad.